

寻找一个特定的人? Try the 可搜索的电子邮件和电话目录 (requires CC login).

  • 可访问性资源, Armstrong Hall 219
    • Director (719) 227-8285
    • ADA/504 (719) 227-8285
  • Admission, Cutler Hall ( admission@lfkgw.com)
    • Main (719) 389-6344
    • Fax (719) 389-6816
  • Advancement Division, Spencer Center (supportcc@lfkgw.com)
    • Main (719) 389-7700
    • Fax (719) 389-6260
    • Toll-Free 800-782-6306
    • 斯宾塞中心的进步行动
      • Main (719) 389-7700
      • 负责推进业务的副总裁兼竞选总监 (719) 389-6351
      • College Events (719) 389-6265
      • Data Analysis (719) 389-6332
      • Gifts (719) 389-6354
      • Records (719) 389-6058
      • Research (719) 389-6463
      • Stewardship (719) 389-6692
    • 图大校友堂校友及家庭关系(alumni@lfkgw.com)
      • Main (719) 389-6775
      • 校友及家庭关系主任 (719) 389-6772
      • Fax (719) 389-6754
      • On-Campus Programs (719) 389-6744
      • 校外项目(719)389-6464
      • 家长及家庭关系(parents@lfkgw.com) (719) 389-6103
    • 发展,斯宾塞中心
      • Main (719) 389-7700
      • Annual Giving, 218 E. Cache La Poudre St. (annualgiving@lfkgw.com) (800) 782-6306
      • 主管发展的助理副总裁 (719) 389-6785
      • Corporate & Foundation Relations (719) 389-6892
      • Planned Giving (719) 389-6230
  • Anthropology巴恩斯科学中心
    • Main (719) 389-6358
    • Fax (719) 389-6258
  • Art, Packard Hall
    • Main (719) 389-6365 (719) 389-6366
    • Fax (719) 389-6882
    • 帕卡德印刷所/暗室 (719) 389-6158
    • Shop (719) 389-6377
    • Slide Library (719) 389-6375
  • Asian Studies跨学科学院
    • Main (719) 389-6909
    • Director (719) 389-6525
  • Athletics埃尔波玛体育中心
    • Main (719) 389-6475 (719) 389-6476
    • Fax (719) 389-6873
  • Baca Campus他是全球教育中心的主任 & Field Study
    • Main (719) 389-6077
  • Bon Appétit, Ticknor Hall
    • Main (719) 389-6832
    • Bemis Hall (719) 389-6634
    • 本杰明的,沃纳校园中心 (719) 389-6166
    • 餐饮,提克诺大厅 (719) 389-6576 (719) 389-6673
    • 沃纳校园中心餐厅经理 (719) 389-6166
    • Fax (Ticknor Office) (719) 389-6861
    • 厨房,拉斯托尔,沃纳校园中心 (719) 389-6806
    • 本地货品(C-Store) (719) 389-6988
    • 保存,约翰·奈特勋爵 (719) 389-6600
    • Retail Manager (719) 389-6632
  • Bookstore耶鲁大学学生服务中心
    • Cashier (719) 389-6125
    • Fax (719) 389-6898
    • Manager (719) 389-6393
    • 装运和收货 (719) 389-6123
    • Textbook Specialist (719) 389-6794
  • Butler Center, The
    • Main (719) 389-6338
  • Cabin Reservations
    • Main (719) 389-6607
  • Campus Activities沃纳校园中心
    • Main (719) 389-6800
    • 工艺品-金属/珠宝 (719) 389-6677
    • 工艺品-陶器/编织 (719) 389-6769
  • Campus Safety, 219 E. Uintah, Worner 116
    • On-Campus Emergency (719) 389-6911
    • 校园非紧急 (719) 389-6707
    • Parking (719) 389-6888
  • Career Center, 1130 N. Cascade Ave.
    • (719) 389-6893
    • Fax (719) 389-6804
  • 催化剂(学生报纸), 1028 N. Weber Street (catalyst@lfkgw.com)
  • CCSGA(学生会)沃纳校园中心
    • Main (719) 389-6676
  • 全球教育中心 & Field Study, Armstrong Hall
    • Main (719) 389-6077
  • Chaplain's Office斯图尔纪念教堂
    • (719) 389-6638
    • Fax (719) 389-6640
  • 化学与生物化学, 巴恩斯科学中心
    • (719) 389-6430
    • Fax (719) 389-6182
  • Children's Center
    • Office (719) 389-6764
    • Fax (719) 389-6714
  • Chinese Program, Armstrong Hall
    • Main (719) 389-6635
  • 密码(学生刊物), 1028 N. Weber Street
  • Classics Cossitt Hall
    • Main (719) 227-8333
    • Fax (719) 227-8334
  • 科尔特学术卓越中心, Tutt Library
    • Main (719) 389-6742 (719) 389-6168
    • Director (719) 389-6726
    • 英语作为第二语言 (719) 227-8288
    • 定量推理中心 (719) 227-8289
    • 阅读、修辞学和一年级课程 (719) 227-8291
    • Writing Center (719) 389-6742
  • 合作促进社区参与, 1008 N. Weber St.
    • Main (719) 389-6846
  • College Events, Spencer Center (events@lfkgw.com)
    • Main (719) 389-6935
  • Communications & Marketing, Spencer Center (communications@lfkgw.com)
    • Main (719) 389-6603
    • The Peak
    • Fax (719) 389-6256
  • 比较文学, Cossitt Hall
    • Main (719) 227-8333
    • Fax (719) 227-8334
  • 心理咨询中心耶鲁大学学生服务中心
    • Main (719) 389-6093
    • Fax (719) 389-6064
  • 皇冠学院中心, Tutt Library
    • Main (719) 389-6168
    • Director (719) 389-6986
  • Dean of the College
    • Dean of the College  (719) 389-6687
    • 学院院长的行政助理  (719) 389-6686
  • Dean of the Faculty
    • Main (719) 389-6682
    • Fax (719) 389-6934
  • 经济与商业, Palmer Hall
    • Main (719) 389-6407
    • Fax (719) 389-6927
  • Education, Mierow House
    • Main (719) 389-6146
    • Fax (719) 389-6473
    • 扫盲专家MAT项目: (719) 389-7284
    • 教师教育(MAT项目) (719) 389-6472
  • El Pomar体育中心
  • English, Armstrong Hall
    • Main (719) 389-6853
    • Fax (719) 389-6833
  • 环境项目图特科学中心
    • (719) 389-6965
    • Fax (719) 227-8229
  • Facilities Services范·布里格尔大厦
    • Main (719) 389-6568
    • Fax (719) 389-6981
    • Vehicle Reservations (719) 389-6175
  • 女性主义与性别研究跨学科学院
    • Main (719) 389-6909
    • Director (719) 389-6397
  • 电影及传媒研究伊迪丝·肯尼·盖洛德基石艺术中心
    • Main (719) 389-6614
  • 财务及行政, Spencer Center
    • Accounts Payable (719) 389-6782
    • Fax (719) 227-8241
    • Budget Office (719) 389-6854
    • Controller (719) 389-6953
    • Endowment (719) 389-6320
    • Fax (719) 389-6932
    • Payroll (719) 389-6420
    • Fax (719) 227-8241
    • Purchasing (719) 389-6695
    • Student Accounts (719) 389-6698
    • 学生贷款/集合 (719) 389-6456
    • Vice President (719) 389-6693
  • Financial Aid, Spencer Center
    • Main (719) 389-6651
    • Fax (719) 389-6173
  • Fine Arts Center (赌博正规的十大网站科罗拉多斯普林斯美术中心)
    30 W. Dale St.
    • Main (719) 634-5581
  • Fraternity Advisor沃纳校园中心
    • Main (719) 389-6800
  • French, Armstrong Hall
    • Main (719) 389-6732
  • General Studies, Armstrong Hall
    • Main (719) 389-6681
  • Geology, Palmer Hall
    • Main (719) 389-6621
    • Fax (719) 389-6910
  • 德语、俄语和东亚语言, Armstrong Hall
    • Main (719) 389-6635
  • Gold Card (CC ID)沃纳校园中心
    • Main (719) 389-6607
    • GET, Armstrong Hall (719) 389-6057
  • 卫生专业咨询
    • Main (719) 389-6429
  • Heating Plant
    • Main (719) 389-6522
  • History, Palmer Hall
    • Main (719) 389-6523
    • Fax (719) 389-6524
  • Honnen Ice Arena 30 W. Cache La Poudre St.
    • Main (719) 389-6157
  • Honor Council
    • Main (719) 389-6527
  • 住房及居住经验, Bemis Hall
    • Main  (719) 389-6618
    • Fax (719) 389-7258
    • Faculty Housing (719) 389-6200
    • Loomis Desk (719) 389-6229
    • Mathias Desk (719) 389-6254
    • South Desk (719) 389-6300
  • 赫尔伯特中心外展项目协调员
    • Main (719) 389-6249
  • 人类生物学和运动机能学, Olin Annex
    • Main (719) 389-6946
  • Human Resources 14 E. Cache La Poudre街
    • Main (719) 389-6421
    • Interim Director (719) 389-6202
    • Benefits (719) 389-6104 (719) 389-6422
    • Employment (719) 389-6236
    • Fax (719) 389-6926
  • 制度研究机构规划办公室 & Effectiveness
    • Main (719) 389-6842
    • 助理副总裁 (719) 389-6699
  • ITS: 图坦卡蒙图书馆解决方案中心
    • Main (719) 389-6449
    • Contracts (719) 389-6250
    • Fax (719) 389-6963
    • Fax, Armstrong Hall (719) 389-6959
    • Tech Sandbox (719) 389-6159
    • 设备预订及结帐 (719) 389-6378
    • 图特图书馆解决方案中心的计算支持 (719) 389-6449
    • 电信支持(联系解决方案中心) (719) 389-6449
  • Japanese Program, Armstrong Hall
    • Main (719) 389-6635
  • KRCC Radio 720 N. Tejon
    • Main (719) 473-4801
    • Fax (719) 473-7863
  • 利维坦(学生刊物)
  • Lost and Found, Worner Campus Center
    • Main (719) 389-6607
  • Mail Services 819 N. Tejon St.
    • 邮件服务主管 (719) 389-6427
    • Staff Mailroom (719) 389-6787
    • 耶鲁学生服务中心学生收发室 (719) 389-6739
  • 数学与计算机科学图特科学中心
    • Main (719) 389-6535
    • Fax (719) 389-6841
  • Molecular Biology, Olin Hall
    • Main (719) 389-6395
  • Music, Packard Hall
    • Main (719) 389-6545
    • Fax (719) 389-6882
  • Music Library, Packard Hall
    • Main (719) 389-6560
    • Cataloging (719) 389-6960
    • Circulation (719) 389-6560
    • Fax (719) 389-6561
    • Librarian's Office (719) 389-6126
  • Ombuds Office, El Pomar 321
    • Main (719) 389-6110
  • 有机体生物学与生态学, Olin Hall
    • Main (719) 389-6912
    • Fax (719) 389-6940
  • Outdoor Education沃纳校园中心
    • Main (719) 389-6803
  • 家长及家庭关系,中大校友堂( parents@lfkgw.com)
    • Main (719) 389-6103
  • Payroll, Spencer Center
    • Main (719) 389-6420
    • Fax (719) 227-8241
  • Philosophy, Armstrong Hall
    • Main (719) 389-6636
    • Fax (719) 389-6179
  • Physical Education, El Pomar体育中心
    • Main (719) 389-6475
  • Physics巴恩斯科学中心
    • Main (719) 389-6577
    • Fax (719) 389-6322
  • Physics Observatory
    • Main (719) 389-6906
  • Political Science, Palmer Hall
    • Main (719) 389-6583
    • Fax (719) 389-6586
  • President's Office, Spencer Center ( president@lfkgw.com)
    • Main (719) 389-6700
    • Board of Trustees (719) 389-6705
    • Cabinet (719) 389-6201
    • Fax (719) 389-6933
    • 斯宾塞中心的家长和家庭关系 (719) 389-6103
  • 赌博正规的十大网站出版社, Taylor Hall
    • Main (719) 389-6376
  • Print Shop, Creekside Facility, 234 W. San Miguel St.
    • Main (719) 389-6950
  • Psychology图特科学中心
    • Main (719) 389-6593
  • 公益奖学金计划, Morealle House
    • Main (719) 227-8175
    • Fax (719) 389-6271
  • 种族,民族和移民研究(REMS)跨学科学院
    • Department Staff (719) 389-6909
  • Registrar, Armstrong Hall ( registrar@ColoradoCollege.edu)
    • Main (719) 389-6610
    • Fax (719) 389-6931
  • Religion, Armstrong Hall
    • Main (719) 389-6636
    • Fax (719) 389-6179
  • 安全驾驶服务(CCAT)
    • Main (719) 389-6340
  • 校园安全(24小时) 219 E. Uintah, Worner 116
    • On-Campus Emergency (719) 389-6911
    • 校园非紧急 (719) 389-6707
    • Parking (719) 389-6888
  • 性侵犯应对和预防耶鲁大学学生服务中心
    • Main (719) 227-8101
  • 普塞纪念教堂
    • Main (719) 389-6638
  • 社会保障和退伍军人证书
    • Main (719) 389-6610
  • Sociology, Palmer Hall
    • Main (719) 389-6820
    • Fax (719) 227-8219
  • 索迪斯环境服务公司
    • Main (719) 389-6357
    • Fax (719) 389-6904
    • General Manager (719) 389-6164
    • Operations Manager (719) 389-6257
  • 解决方案中心(计算支持), Tutt Library
    • Main (719) 389-6449
  • Sorority Advisor, Worner Campus Center
    • Main (719) 389-6800
  • Southwest StudiesHulbert Center, Dern House
    • Main (719) 389-6649
    • Director (719) 389-6241
    • 活动登记热线(爱好者) (719) 389-6334
    • Fax (719) 389-6233
    • 外联协调 (719) 389-6249
  • 西班牙语和葡萄牙语, Armstrong Hall
    • Main (719) 389-6732
  • Speech and Debate 822 N. Weber
    • Main (719) 389-6509
  • 体育资讯(田径通讯)El Pomar体育中心
    • Main (719) 389-6755 (719) 389-6105
  • 落基山脉项目
    • Main (719) 227-8145
    • Director (719) 389-6241
  • Student Life
    • Main (719) 389-6689
    • Fax (719) 389-6937
  • 学生健康中心(由Optum营运)
    • Main (719) 389-6384
  • 夏季音乐节, Packard 112
    • Main (719) 389-6552
  • Summer Session, Armstrong Hall
    • 暑期班主任 (719) 389-6656
    • Pre-College (719) 389-6098
    • 行政助理 (719) 389-6655
  • 可持续发展办公室, 1004 N Weber
    • Main (719) 389-6025
  • 电信的支持 (Solutions Center)
    • Main (719) 389-6449
  • Theatre and Dance伊迪丝·肯尼·盖洛德基石艺术中心
    • Main (719) 389-6637
    • Fax (719) 389-6145
    • 服装店,伊迪丝·肯尼·盖洛德基石艺术中心 (719) 389-6721
    • 舞蹈,Cossitt大厅工作室,Cossitt (719) 389-6459
    • 现场商店,伊迪丝·肯尼·盖洛德基石艺术中心 (719) 389-6747
  • Title IX Coordinator Barbara J. 威尔逊,第九条代理协调员
    • 14 E. Cache La Poudre St.
    • Office 719-389-6202
  • Tutt Library ( tuttref@lfkgw.com)
    • Circulation (719) 389-6184
    • Director's Office (719) 389-6070
    • Interlibrary Loan (719) 389-6664
    • 图书馆营运经理(订房) (719) 389-6675
    • Research Services (719) 389-6662
    • Special Collections (719) 389-6668
  • 退伍军人和社会保障证书
    • Main (719) 389-6610
  • 健康资源中心耶鲁大学学生服务中心
    • Main (719) 389-6211
  • Worner Campus Center
    • Cabin Reservations (719) 389-6608
    • Coburn Gallery (719) 389-6066
    • Information (719) 389-6607
    • Room Reservations (719) 389-6608
Report an issue - Last updated: 04/08/2024

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CC Mail Center
819 N. Tejon St.
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Colorado College
819 N. Tejon St.
Colorado Spgs., CO. 80946 or 80903


Colorado College
14 E. Cache La Poudre
Colorado Spgs., CO. 80903